Monday, December 6, 2010

this is a post about stuff. because I can :D

I love this having a personal blog thing. I'm kinda digging it.

so here I give you: a parade of stuff I want :D
I can hear you heart pounding with anticipation.

first we have this lovely Newsies cap. if you have not seen Newsies, you are missing out on the best musical on the face of the earth :3
also, don't listen to the critics who reviewed this. they are wrong. WRONG I SAY!

Etsy, I love you. you are my soul mate.

next we have this custom action figure of Daisy from the Mario Bros. games. (what do you mean you don't know what the Mario games are? what rock have you been living under??! fine. here.

yeah. she is adorable. :3 (can you believe someone made that?? mad skills.)

and lastly, or at least lastly for this post, *evil grin* this lovely pencil holder. :D
note: I'm not going to affend you more than I did with the whole Mario Bros. thing, so I'm going to assume you know what Totoro is. right?... right?!
anywho, it's adorable. yes.

end of post. yup. go away.
oh. that was rude! :[
please go away. :D

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You, there, reading this.

yes you.
you know who you are.
wait, no. not you. the guy behind you. yeah, that person! sorry, bub.

now that I've wasted your time, onto the real post.

so, I've been writing this book thing. it's going okay. it's a rad story. which you might see. but probably not. >:]
I might turn it into a graphic novel. but that might murder me, seeing as I can't really draw hands. or feet.


forget that last part. :]
you never read it. and you are so sleepy.
so sleeeeeeeeeeeepy.

see this cat? of course not. he made you too sleepy to see anything.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Full Metal Alchemist and Fruits Basket.
go. watch. now.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What I Did This Summer

"Jane, you may give your report now."
"Yes Ma'am."

"Eh hem. What I did this Summer, by Jane.

I was in a wedding for my dear friend Hobbes, watched all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ate unholy amounts of frozen yogurt, looked at beautiful art, played guitar, cooked,-"

okay folks. I'm not going to go into every loving detail. but school started a few weeks ago, and it seemed like the thing to do.

who else watched Joss Whedon like no tomorrow?? anyone? no? okay.


like I said, school just started. it's hard. so. very. hard.
and guess what! science hates me! yay! I'm going to be a great architect at this rate!

to quote Dr. Horrible, "Wow, sarcasm! That's original!"

so what did everyone else do over summer?


Thursday, September 9, 2010

I suppose we start with the basics...

Food. I feel comfortable writing about food. :]
mainly because my epic love for the thing is, well, epic.
I enjoy to eat and cook with my friends almost more than anything. It seems so right.
you know?
anyway. maybe that's just me. :]
this year I had sushi for the first time. it was amazing. so. good.
I really love tasting all the mixes of spices.
so yeah. :]
Have a good one.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hi all. :]

this is my personal blog, which I made for all the stuff not related to my other blog, .

okay. Now that that bit it out of the way, I guess I can start writing. rad.

I'll most likely write about school, guitar, cooking, anime, and drawing for the most part. and architecture. lots and lots. :]

and when I say lots, I mean lots.

:] :] :]
